Access Denied Message After Using for Weeks


Chris W.

Access Denied Message After Using for Weeks

Using most recent WinScp download
I am getting an "Access Denied" message when trying to log in - I had been using my logon for weeks prior and suddenly I started receiving this message. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program and that does not help. It appears that the computer is filling in my password with something that is twice the characters of my password.

I am spending far too much time trying to troubleshoot this - I am going on week 3 - I cannot do this any longer - I have students that need to be downloaded and the State organization does absolutely nothing to support this system they ask us to use.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Access Denied Message After Using for Weeks

Chris W. wrote:

It appears that the computer is filling in my password with something that is twice the characters of my password.
Are judging this by number of dots or stars in Password box on Login dialog? Because for security reasons, WinSCP deliberately always shows 16 of them (unless you are in editing mode), no matter how long the password is.

It's likely there's problem on the server. Either you password was changed or your account was disabled or cancelled. We cannot help you with that.

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