Invalid access to memory.
This usually happens if there is a delay between files.
Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.
Not really.Thanks, have been testing it but cannot seem to crash it again (with the mentioned build it used to be a 70% crash rate), could it be that this one contains some additional patches?
1) Were you able to reproduce the original problem with the new build?Got another message: "Assertion failed: FPendingActions->Count == 0, file core\SessionInfo.cpp, line 1438", doesn't seem to be related to this bug though.
Using DotNet 4.7.1 on X64 platform with WinSCP 5.12.1-beta during PutFiles to an OpenSSH 7.6 (SFTP) host it crashes quite often (see attached log).
This usually happens if there is a delay between files.
Thanks. Will contact you in few days.Managed to reproduce it, took some time reproduce it, hope the attached file helps.
Can you reproduce the problem with the latest version of WinSCP? If you can please, post a separate report as this seems unrelated.I also experienced the "invalid access to memory" WinSCP ver 576 on Windows 10.
It gave me some type of timeout error while I was deleting a directory on the left side user panel.
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