winscp.exe ( does not match version of this assembly when using ILMerge to embed the DLL


Ft Worth

winscp.exe ( does not match version of this assembly when using ILMerge to embed the DLL

Hi Martin, when I try to embed the WinSCPnet.dll using ILMerge.NuGet, I get the above error. I see in the ILMerge.Tasks.Nuget there is supposed to be a way to exclude files. I am not however seeing anyone posting an example of it using the Nuget Projects within Visual Studio.

There are no Debug or Session logs for this as it errors prior to reaching that piece of the code.

Any suggestions?

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: winscp.exe ( does not match version of this assembly when using ILMerge to embed the DLL

You can set Session.DisableVersionCheck.

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Ft Worth

Here is the code I am using;

There are no session or debug logs created. It never gets that far into the code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using WinSCP;

namespace CnaFirmware
    public enum UpdateState
        Idle,               // black
        Working,            // black

        // complete:
        CompleteNoError,    // green

        // errors:
        CompleteWithError   // red

    public class UploadTask
        ConcurrentQueue<string> ConsoleQueue;
        public string cna_ip;
        string fingerprint;
        readonly string ImageFileName;
        public string CnaVersion;
        readonly string TargetVersion;
        public string CurrentFileName;
        public double CurrentFileProgress;
        private static string _lastFileName;
        bool abort = false;
        Session session;
        Thread TaskThread;
        readonly string LogFileName;
        public string UpdatedFirmwareVersion;
        public bool WarningShown;

        // this string is for the user checking status during the update from the UI:
        public string status;

        // this status determines the color of the item in the list box
        public UpdateState state;

        // these allow the main form to track progress and repaint the item when done
        public bool UpdateSuccess;
        public bool JobComplete;
        public bool NeedUiUpdate;
        public bool Verbose;
        public bool debug;

        // need states so the checkedlistbox knows what color to paint this.

        // this class will push firmware to one CNA.
        // inputs:  IP address of CNA
        //          Fingerprint string
        //          image file (*.run) to upload
        //          queue for sending messages back to main (UI) thread

        // status:  idle
        //          transfering
        //          load (remote script)
        //          complete 

        // logging: only log start, errors, or success to the UI. everything goes to the log file for this cna.

        // update 20180618:  fingerprint is no longer required: WinSCP will scan for fingerprint, then upload firmware. 

        public UploadTask(string cnaip,
                          string fprint,
                          ConcurrentQueue<string> q,
                          string filename)
            debug = false;
            cna_ip = cnaip;
            WarningShown = false;
            UpdateSuccess = false;
            fingerprint = fprint;
            ConsoleQueue = q;
            ImageFileName = filename;
            LogFileName = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.log", Globals.LogPath + @"\CNAip\", cna_ip);

            // for checking file transfer progress:
            CurrentFileName = string.Empty;
            CurrentFileProgress = 0;
            status = "idle";
            state = UpdateState.Idle;
            JobComplete = false;
            NeedUiUpdate = false;
            UpdatedFirmwareVersion = "";

            // firmware version of target CNA
            CnaVersion = "";

            // new firmware version to be uploaded
            TargetVersion = ExtractCnaVersion(filename);

        // This is to extract the version of the Firmware file
        string ExtractCnaVersion(string filename)
            //   10,16
            string v = "0.0.0";
            string f = Path.GetFileName(filename);
            int posv = f.IndexOf("v");
            int posr = f.IndexOf(".run");
                v = f.Substring(posv, posr - posv);
            catch (Exception) { }
            return v.Replace("_", ".");
        void _PostStatus(string s)
            // set status string to what's going on. 
            ConsoleQueue.Enqueue(string.Format("!{0}: {1}", cna_ip, s));

        void NewState(UpdateState s)
            state = s;
            NeedUiUpdate = true;

        public void SetCnaVersion(byte[] data)
            // Set Expected CNA version
            if (data[0] < 2) return;
            string v = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", data[1], data[2], data[3]);
            Log("SetCnaVersion:" + v);
            CnaVersion = v;

        public void Start()
            // Start the Thread
            TaskThread = new Thread(() => TaskThreadCode());
        void Logui(string s)
            // send to UI
            ConsoleQueue.Enqueue(string.Format("{0}: {1}", cna_ip, s));
            // and file it
        void Log(string s)
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Globals.LogPath + @"\CNAip");
            File.AppendAllText(LogFileName, string.Format("{0} {1}: {2}{3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd.HHmmss.fff"), cna_ip, s, Environment.NewLine));

        // Upload Status and progress
        public string GetStatus()
            string s = "";
            if (status == "uploading binary")
                s = string.Format("{0}: uploading binary ({1:P0})", cna_ip, CurrentFileProgress);
                s = status;
                s = string.Format("{0}: {1}", cna_ip, status);
            return s;

        public void TaskThreadCode()
            Logui("Starting update");
                // first get the CNA SSH fingerprint
                SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions
                    Protocol = Protocol.Scp,
                    HostName = cna_ip

                sessionOptions.AddRawSettings("KEX", "ecdh,dh-gex-sha1,dh-group14-sha1,dh-group1-sha1,rsa,WARN");
                //Session session;
                using (session = new Session())
                    fingerprint = session.ScanFingerprint(sessionOptions, "MD5");
                    Log($"Fingerprint: {fingerprint}");

                // Set up session options for firmware transfer
                // The same configuration is used on all devices
                sessionOptions = new SessionOptions
                    Protocol = Protocol.Scp,
                    HostName = cna_ip,
                    UserName = "root",
                    Password = "root",
                    SshHostKeyFingerprint = fingerprint
                // This is the same for all connections
                sessionOptions.AddRawSettings("AuthGSSAPI", "1");
                sessionOptions.AddRawSettings("Cipher", "aes,blowfish,3des,chacha20,WARN,arcfour,des");
                sessionOptions.AddRawSettings("KEX", "ecdh,dh-gex-sha1,dh-group14-sha1,dh-group1-sha1,rsa,WARN");

                status = "uploading binary";

                using (session = new Session())
                        fingerprint = session.ScanFingerprint(sessionOptions, "MD5");
                        Log($"Fingerprint: {fingerprint}");
                        // Will continuously report progress of transfer
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(Globals.LogPath + @"\Debug");

                        if (debug == true)
                            session.DebugLogLevel = 2;
                            session.DebugLogPath = Globals.LogPath + @"\Debug\WSCPDebug.log";
                            session.SessionLogPath = Globals.LogPath + @"\Debug\WSCPSession.log";

                            session.DebugLogLevel = 0;
                            session.DebugLogPath = null;
                            session.SessionLogPath = null;

                        session.FileTransferProgress += SessionFileTransferProgress;
                        session.OutputDataReceived += SessionOutputDataReceived;
                        session.DisableVersionCheck = true;
                        // Connect
                        Log("Opening session");
                        // Upload files
                        TransferOptions transferOptions = new TransferOptions()
                            TransferMode = TransferMode.Binary
                        // Transfer Results
                        TransferOperationResult transferResult;
                        transferResult = session.PutFiles(ImageFileName, "/var/tmp/*", false, transferOptions);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logui("WinSCP: " + ex.Message);
                        ConsoleQueue.Enqueue("@" + ex.Message);
                        status = "WinSCP Error";
                        JobComplete = true;
                        // terminate thread
                    if (abort) session.Close();

                    // Write to log upload status
                    Log("File transfer succeeded");

                    // PutFiles has completed: now run bash script.
                    status = "waiting for remote load";
                    // Change to the remote directory.
                    session.ExecuteCommand("cd /tmp");
                    // Modify the permissions on the *.run file.
                    session.ExecuteCommand("chmod 777 *.run");
                    // Log entry status update.
                    Log("Running remote command: load");

                    // This command will display the completion of the Load command results, including version information.
                    session.ExecuteCommand(string.Format("./{0} --load", Path.GetFileName(ImageFileName)));

                    // note: you should never get here! 

                    // Eprom load completed, executing reboot.
                    status = "remote load complete";
                    // Add entery to log that session is closing.
                    Log("Closing WinSCP session");
                    // Close the session.
            catch (Exception e)
                // either the update was aborted by the user, or an error occurred, or the upload was successful.
                // so - this thread will always exit from here.
                if (e.Message == "Aborted.")
                    // Abort the Threads.
                    if (abort)
                        // user abort
                        status = "User abort";
                        Logui("Update cancelled by user");
                        // normal (success)
                        if (UpdateSuccess)
                            status = "updating database";
                            Log("Updating database record");
                            UpdatedFirmwareVersion = TargetVersion;
                            Logui("Update successful");
                            status = "CNA update complete";
                    // a real error occurred, and this thread will exit with an error status.
                    status = "Error";
                    Logui(string.Format("Error: {0}", e.Message));
            JobComplete = true;

        void SessionFileTransferProgress(object sender, FileTransferProgressEventArgs e)
            // This displays the file transfer status percentage.
            if (abort) session.Abort();
            //New line for every new file
            if ((_lastFileName != null) && (_lastFileName != e.FileName))
                Log(string.Format("Uploading: {0}", e.FileName));

            // Print transfer progress
            _PostStatus(string.Format("Uploading: {0:P0}", e.FileProgress));

            // Remember a name of the last file reported
            _lastFileName = e.FileName;
            CurrentFileProgress = e.FileProgress;

        void SessionOutputDataReceived(object sender, OutputDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            if (abort) session.Abort();

            if (
                || e.Data.Contains("Opening")
                || e.Data.Contains("Searching")
                || e.Data.Contains("Connecting")
                || e.Data.Contains("Updating")
                || e.Data.Contains("Validating")
                || e.Data.Contains("Authenticating...")
                || e.Data == "File transfer succeeded"
                || e.Data == "Valid firmware"
                || e.Data == "Update successful"

            if (e.Data.Contains("Updating CNA") && e.Data.Contains("success"))
                UpdateSuccess = true;
                _PostStatus("Firmware update was successful.");
                // done: abort the session now

        public void Cancel()
            abort = true;
            //logui("Upload Cancelled by User!");
        void UpdateDbRecord()
            // This routine is for updating the Firmware version number in the nms_cfg database.
            SqlConnection NmsRt;
            using (NmsRt = new SqlConnection(Globals.ConnectionString))
                catch (Exception)
                    Logui("Unable to open NMS database.");
                string query = string.Format("update cna_firmware set firmware_rev = '{0}' where ip_address = '{1}'", TargetVersion, cna_ip);
                    using (SqlCommand sql = new SqlCommand(query, NmsRt)) sql.ExecuteNonQuery();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logui("UpdateDbRecord: " + ex.Message);

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Site Admin
martin avatar

You have to set DisableVersionCheck before calling ScanFingerprint.

Though it makes no sense to set SshHostKeyFingerprint to a value retrieved by ScanFingerprint. That's effectively the same as setting GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey = True.

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