GET - DELETE will delete files even if not transferred succe



GET - DELETE will delete files even if not transferred succe

I am using WINSCP with scripting to automate file transfer on a 5 minute interval.
It is set to download files every 5 minutes from an FTP server. I use a GET -DELETE in my script, as I want the files on the FTP serve to be deleted once files are successfully transferred. However, it seems on at least two occasions that files were deleted even though they were not successfully downloaded. I checking the logs, I can see in both cases that there was some kind of network issue, causing the connection to drop out many times.

Is it possible sometimes WINSCP get's confused and deletes files even though not successfully transferred? And if so, would any workarounds exist? Any suggestion appreciated.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: GET - DELETE will delete files even if not transferred succe

Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate log file, use /log=path_to_log_file command-line argument. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

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