a putty like console



a putty like console

i think it would be cool to embed a putty like console, the one provided is not very useful in most cases

would it be possible?

btw, winscp rules!! go on with the great work!!!

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Re: a putty like console

martin wrote:

You can use Putty. I do not see any advantage of duplicating Putty console into WinSCP. Do you?

hmmm, i see some... ;-)

Whats about tab-completion in the shell-cmd-line to browse..
Whats about things like create gzips / observe state like df or du at the cmd-line.
We have some dirs with tomany files. WinScp have some problems to show them. So commands like ls -laptr 200410*.gif could save some time and my nerves! ;-)

I see a integration like now...

right window -> linux-Fs
Bottom -> Commandline
If commandline-output-Mode is activated -> left window stdout and errout from shell-command, else there is the local-FS

I will love this feature!

This combines the cool overview of the gui of winScp with all the features of the commandline.

Cool-Extra-Feature could be to log all session-shell-output.


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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: a putty like console

Cooperation between panels and Putty-style (terminal emulation) console is AFAIK imposible. Terminal emulation consoles cannot be automated. So WinSCP would not be able to do what it does with its current simple console. I.e. to change working directory in console to the one in panel to execute the command in the same directory. It would be even difficult to execute command entered elsewhere (command-line box below panel) at all in the console. It is difficult to detect even such easy thing as if the remote server waits for command.

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