Feature request: Synchronised browsing + vague bug report


petr.pavel avatar
Praha, Czech Republic

Feature request: Synchronised browsing + vague bug report

Hello Mr. Prikryl,
thanks again for your excellent plug-in.
I know this feature already is on your "What it cannot do" list. I just want to have my vote for adding more priority to it.

Also I have problems with "Keep remote directory up to date". After several uploads it starts uploading files that are already up to date and does not upload files that need it. However, uploads are still invoked by modification of some file inside the watched directory tree.
Are you interested in a bug report with examples? The reason I ask is that I would test it more thoroughly only if you have time to repair it.

I tried to use this feature to upload files I keep opened in my editor and that I save from time to time. Unfortunately I save them too often (a habbit from times when computers used to crash very often).
So here's a feature suggestion:
"Check for modifications each xxx seconds"

Stay great
Petr 'PePa' Pavel

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Feature request: Synchronised browsing + vague bug report

petr.pavel wrote:

Hello Mr. Prikryl,
thanks again for your excellent plug-in.
I know this feature already is on your "What it cannot do" list. I just want to have my vote for adding more priority to it.
So far noone has ever requested this. So I haven't even considered it. Now I will :-)

Also I have problems with "Keep remote directory up to date". After several uploads it starts uploading files that are already up to date and does not upload files that need it. However, uploads are still invoked by modification of some file inside the watched directory tree.
Are you interested in a bug report with examples? The reason I ask is that I would test it more thoroughly only if you have time to repair it.
Windows allows for watching for changes of directory only. So WinSCP can detect that something has changed in some directory. If them performs full local=>remote non-recursive synchronisation of that directory. If there's problem with timestamp matching, it may transfer completely different files that you would expect. Check the F.A.Q., maybe it will help you. If not come back :-).

I tried to use this feature to upload files I keep opened in my editor and that I save from time to time. Unfortunately I save them too often (a habbit from times when computers used to crash very often).
So here's a feature suggestion:
"Check for modifications each xxx seconds"
I'm sorry, bur I do not think many people will find this useful.

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