I'm having issues downloading big files from WinSCP (arounf 270,000 kb).
This is the process I'm following and all the error messages I receive (screenshots attached):
1. I connect to Win SCP.
2. I then try to download a file of 270,000kb (at this point I already tried several things, like dragging the file to the left, or clicking the download button, and I also tried to download it with Transfer Settings: binary, which was something I checked online that could make it work), but it will always eventually fail.
3. After some seconds I will get this notification (file usually downloads until 15,000 / 20,000 kb, it's always different the size of the file, but anyway it is corrupted- picture 1.
4. The 'Abort (56s)' will go to zero and it will try to reconnect.
5. It will try to reconnect several times and a couple of different error messages can appear (always related to 'invalid access to memory')- pictures 2 and 3.
6. If I just let WinSCP continue to run in the background, it will reconnect and get these kind of errors several times.
7. Eventually I will abort the session and I will get these errors:
Basically I've been trying for several days now to download this file and it will always fail, although sometimes the download can be closer to be completed.
Can you please help me with this?
Joana Silva Carreira
WinSCP 5.13
Error message:
Invalid access to memory.
Stack trace:
(00638FC1) _bufchain_fetch
(008B9FD2) C5101_3
(008BC03A) ____ExceptionHandler
(008B8DF4) __ExceptionHandler
(000851DF) ntdll.dll
(00073161) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(006327A5) _log_proxy_stderr
(0066CF0A) C2535_0
(0066CDA6) _handle_got_event
(007363D3) TSecureShell::EventSelectLoop
(00735603) TSecureShell::WaitForData
(00730795) TSecureShell::Init
(0073006A) TSecureShell::Open
(007B3F9D) TTerminal::OpenTunnel
(007B23CA) TTerminal::Open
(007B46CF) TTerminal::Reopen
(007B6B41) TTerminal::QueryReopen
(007AD911) TRobustOperationLoop::TryReopen
(007CF0BC) TTerminal::SinkRobust
(007CEEA0) TTerminal::DoCopyToLocal
(007A48F6) TSFTPFileSystem::CopyToLocal
(007CE9CA) TTerminal::CopyToLocal
(0000E7CD) TCustomScpExplorerForm::ExecuteFileOperation
(0000F4B4) TCustomScpExplorerForm::ExecuteFileOperation
(0001E0EF) TCustomScpExplorerForm::RemoteFileControlFileOperation
(0001E44C) TCustomScpExplorerForm::RemoteFileControlDDEnd
(0041E606) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::DDDragDetect
(0067810A) TUnixDirView::DDDragDetect
(0041AA90) Customdirview::TCustomDirView::CNNotify
(00254E85) Vcl::Controls::TControl::WndProc
(002599C9) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(0029D8F7) Vcl::Comctrls::TCustomListView::WndProc
(00259B2F) Vcl::Controls::_17076
(002599C9) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00259010) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::MainWndProc
(0037ED14) System::Classes::_1820
I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
Description: Step5

Description: Step5

Description: Step3