Invisible WinSCP window since Creator's update


Kokomo, IN

Invisible WinSCP window since Creator's update

I was using an older version of WinSCP (sometime in 2016) and all was well until the Fall Creator's Update. After that WinSCP would start, and appear in the taskbar, but no window appeared on the screen. Hovering over the icon on the taskbar, the preview showed a little version of the normal full-size window. Clicking on it did not make the program appear on the desktop. Rebooting did not help. I downloaded 5.11.2 and installed it over the existing version. Same problem exactly. I tried rebooting again, no luck.Tonight I tried to uninstall the program so that I could install it from scratch. The "Are you sure you want to uninstall WinSCP and all its components?" box appeared. I clicked on "yes" and the Uninstall status window appeared with "cancel" grayed out. On the taskbar, a WinSCP icon appeared and when I hover over it, I see a tiny, "Do you want to clean up data stored by the application on this computer?" No window on the desktop this time either. Clicking on the icon does not bring the desktop window up. Right-clicking on this icon (or the one I get when trying to run the main program) gives the option to "Close Window." It does not work, the only way to kill the program or the uninstaller is from Task Manager.

I need to know what to do now.


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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Invisible Winscp window since Creator's update

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

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Re: Invisible Winscp window since Creator's update

I am having the same problem as the previous user. Is there a solution to this problem? I don't understand why it's happening. The same problem has happened with Visual Studio as well, so i'm sure it's Win10 issue, but is there a solution?

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martin avatar

Re: Invisible Winscp window since Creator's update

@reemitch: The problem that @jbuchana had, was that WinSCP was starting on lid screen of notebook that was closed (with an attached external monitor).

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