How to run chmod -R 777 using /script=SCRIPTNAME



How to run chmod -R 777 using /script=SCRIPTNAME

Hi all,

I have a directory on an SFTP server that I want to run "chmod -R 777" against. The -R is important, ie I want the command to be recursive.

I want to accomplish this using the " /script=SCRIPTNAME" command where the SCRIPTNAME file contains a list of commands for WinSCP to execute. I have used this method before. I don't want to use the "WinSCP .NET assembly and COM library" and I don't want to have to generate the SCRIPTNAME file on the fly.

Some places on the forum seem to state that WinSCP's chmod command is always recursive, but in my own tests I am finding this to *not* be the case. Also, I do not see an option to force WinSCP's chmod command to behave recursively.

Below is an example of how I am currently working around not having a recursive chmod right now. Here I am giving the main-directory/ directory 777 permissions recursively, but I am doing the recursive part manually.

#make the main-directory/ directory itself have 777 permissions
chmod 777 main-directory

#make the immediate children of the main-directory/ directory (non-recursively) have 777 permissions
chmod 777 main-directory/*.*

#make the immediate children of the main-directory/child-directory-1/ directory (non-recursively) have 777 permissions
chmod 777 main-directory/child-directory-1/*.*

#make the immediate children of the main-directory/child-directory-2/ directory (non-recursively) have 777 permissions
chmod 777 main-directory/child-directory-2/*.*

#make the immediate children of the main-directory/child-directory-2/child-directory-3/ directory (non-recursively) have 777 permissions
chmod 777 main-directory/child-directory-2/child-directory-3/*.*

and so on...

Is there a way to make WinSCP's chmod command behave recursively?


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Re: How to run chmod -R 777 using /script=SCRIPTNAME

Hi Martin,

Thank you for the quick response. Unfortunately I do not have shell access on that server. Sounds like I will be stuck running multiple chmod commands. Thanks again

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