Logging verbosity changes between old version and current



Logging verbosity changes between old version and current


We have just upgraded a very old WinSCP installation from 4.3.8 Build 1771 to 5.13.1 as we have begun using PKI authentication and require the "passphrase" switch (which was not present in the older version for scripting use).

Because of the huge version jump I expected a few issues and have resolved all of them so far, with the exception of one. The log output of the new version appears to include entries for every file in the target folder when performing a local synchronise, even if these file types are excluded from the sync by a file mask. This behaviour was not the same in the older version. The result of this is that because my local target folder contains hundreds of thousands of files, the logs sizes have jumped from 4kB to 90+MB with the new version.

So, we are synching zip, csv and html files only from the source folder. The zip files each contain many wav files which get extracted ater the download and then converted to compressed audio (the real extension of which is blocked on this forum as a spam word, the one that starts m and ends with a 3 :) to save local disk space). Once the files are extracted and converted the zip and wav files are deleted leaving only the "compressed audio" files.

So, on the new version, trying to resolve the log size, I created a filemask. This is set to *.csv, *.zip and *.html (reports are contained within the csv and html files) in spite of this, my logs contain entries for hundreds of thousands of excluded compressed audio files which exist in the target folder. I also added the switch loglevel=0 but I believe this is the default level anyway so this did not make any difference.

I know I can probably resolve this by setting up a different staging folder to sync the zip files into but I just wanted to ask first to see if there is any way to replicate the old way of logging so that my logs return to 4Kb before I make more complex changes.

Thanks in advance
  • Logand scriptsamples.zip (7.59 KB, Private file)
Description: Log and Script samples, new and old

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martin avatar

Re: Logging verbosity changes between old version and current

I'm sending you an email with a development version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

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Re: Logging verbosity changes between old version and current

I'm currently investigating a big log issue to, could it be that this bug was also in version 5.9.3 ? if that's the case when will 5.14 will be public availible?

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Logging verbosity changes between old version and current

NvS wrote:

I'm currently investigating a big log issue to, could it be that this bug was also in version 5.9.3 ? if that's the case when will 5.14 will be public availible?
First, what this thread is about is not a bug.
Second, "big log issue" is pretty vague. What specific log entries make the log big? More verbose logging of synchronization was introduced in WinSCP 5.0.8.
We have no plans for release of 5.14 yet.

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