Invalid access to memory - TEditorManager::Check



Invalid access to memory - TEditorManager::Check

When closing application W10-64bit

WinSCP 5.14

Error message:
Chyba přístupu do paměti.

Stack trace:
(0006DCB5) TEditorManager::Check
(0007DAFF) ntdll.dll
(0006B711) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00017EE5) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(00046757) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(00046714) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(00397A58) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00036BE9) USER32.dll
(000369CB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

The problem happens rarely. I cannot reproduce it.

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Accès mémoire invalide - TEditorManager::Check

This happens every time I close the application. The error popup opens I would say about 40 to 50 times before shutting down and closing permanently.
No need to call me.

Thank you
Claude Frascadore

WinSCP 5.14

Error message:
Accès mémoire invalide.

Trace de la pile :
(0006DCB5) TEditorManager::Check
(0007DAFF) ntdll.dll
(0006B711) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00017EE5) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(00046757) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(00046714) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(00397A58) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00036BE9) USER32.dll
(000369CB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TEditorManager::Check

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.14

Error message:
Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(0006DCB5) TEditorManager::Check
(00089B5F) ntdll.dll
(00070A21) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00017EE5) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(00046757) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(00046714) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(00397A58) System::Classes::_18201
(0001D0B9) USER32.dll
(00027844) USER32.dll
(0002A140) USER32.dll
(000180D7) USER32.dll
(00017C1B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Chyba přístupu do paměti - TEditorManager::Check

Close application W10-64bit - Application must run for longer time

WinSCP 5.14

Error message:
Chyba přístupu do paměti.

Stack trace:
(0006DCB5) TEditorManager::Check
(0007DAFF) ntdll.dll
(0006B711) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00017EE5) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(00046757) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(00046714) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(00397A58) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00036BE9) USER32.dll
(000369CB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Accesso alla memoria non valido - TEditorManager::Check

Quando chiudo l'applicazione
Allego Screenshot

WinSCP 5.14

Error message:
Accesso alla memoria non valido.

Stack trace:
(0006DCB5) TEditorManager::Check
(000A519F) ntdll.dll
(0008F6A1) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00017EE5) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(00046757) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(00046714) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(00397A58) System::Classes::_18201
(00034265) USER32.dll
(00010857) USER32.dll
(0000FDEE) USER32.dll
(0000FC2B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW
(0015781F) SHELL32.dll
(00142FB2) SHELL32.dll.ShellExecuteExW
(00142E0A) SHELL32.dll.ShellExecuteExW
(00142C0B) SHELL32.dll.ShellExecuteExW
(0016648A) SHELL32.dll.ShellExecuteW
(000AEC27) OpenBrowser
(000AEF71) ShowHelp
(000E1D95) TWebHelpSystem::ShowHelp
(003587D3) System::Helpintfs::_16440
(002325A1) Vcl::Forms::TApplication::HelpKeyword
(0022BD99) Vcl::Forms::TCustomForm::WMHelp
(0085D348) TMessageForm::Dispatch
(0026E17D) Vcl::Controls::TWinControl::WndProc
(00228644) Vcl::Forms::TCustomForm::WndProc

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Description: Errore in chiusura


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Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TEditorManager::Check

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.14

Error message:
Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(0006DCB5) TEditorManager::Check
(0007DAFF) ntdll.dll
(0006B711) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00017EE5) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(00046757) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(00046714) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(00397A58) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00036BE9) USER32.dll
(000369CB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TEditorManager::Check

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Accès mémoire invalide - TEditorManager::Check

claude@... wrote:

This happens every time I close the application. The error popup opens I would say about 40 to 50 times before shutting down and closing permanently.
No need to call me.

Thank you
Claude Frascadore

WinSCP 5.14

Error message:
Accès mémoire invalide.

Trace de la pile :
(0006DCB5) TEditorManager::Check
(0007DAFF) ntdll.dll
(0006B711) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00017EE5) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(00046757) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(00046714) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(00397A58) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00036BE9) USER32.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher - TEditorManager::Check

Andreas.Frank@... wrote:

WinSCP 5.14

Error message:
Zugriffsverletzung - ungültiger Zugriff auf den Speicher.

Stack trace:
(0006DCB5) TEditorManager::Check
(00089B5F) ntdll.dll
(00070A21) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00017EE5) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(00046757) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(00046714) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(00397A58) System::Classes::_18201
(0001D0B9) USER32.dll
(00027844) USER32.dll
(0002A140) USER32.dll

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.
Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Reply with quote



Invalid access to memory - TEditorManager::Check

Occurs every time I exit the programme since the most recent update.

WinSCP 5.14

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0006DCB5) TEditorManager::Check
(0007DAFF) ntdll.dll
(0006B711) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00017EE5) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(00046757) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(00046714) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(00397A58) System::Classes::_18201
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00036BE9) USER32.dll
(000369CB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Invalid access to memory - TEditorManager::Check

-Connected to server.
-Attempted to close program down.

WinSCP 5.14

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0006DCB5) TEditorManager::Check
(000851DF) ntdll.dll
(00073161) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(00017EE5) TCustomScpExplorerForm::Idle
(00046757) TNonVisualDataModule::DoIdle
(00046714) TNonVisualDataModule::SessionIdleTimerTimer
(00397A58) System::Classes::_18201
(00031F89) USER32.dll
(0002443E) USER32.dll
(00023DCD) USER32.dll
(00023B9B) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

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Invalid access to memory - TEditorManager::Check on close winscp

<Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.)>
<If relevant, consider attaching a session log file or a screenshot)>

WinSCP 5.14

Error message:
Invalid access to memory.

Stack trace:
(0007DAFF) ntdll.dll
(0006B711) ntdll.dll.KiUserExceptionDispatcher
(0003AE69) USER32.dll
(00037335) USER32.dll
(00036BE9) USER32.dll
(000369CB) USER32.dll.DispatchMessageW

I know how to reproduce the problem or the problem happens frequently enough. I wish to be contacted by the WinSCP team to help resolving the problem.

Reply with quote

Site Admin
martin avatar

Re: Invalid access to memory - TEditorManager::Check on close winscp

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

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