Possible Bug with Stored Session Name and Shell Icon?



Possible Bug with Stored Session Name and Shell Icon?

Greetings, I'm new to WinSCP, but I think I may have found a bug with the hot-drop desktop icon.

FYI, I'm using the portable version of WinSCP (v4.1.8).

Here is the description of what I am observing:

The following steps work just fine:

1) I create a new stored session (configure everything, i.e. host name, username, password, etc).

2) I save the new stored session and use the WinSCP default session name (looks something like this: myusername@ftp.myftpsite.com).

3) I create a desktop shell hot-drop icon.

4) I test the desktop shell hot-drop icon. The hot-drop icon works great if I either drop files on the icon or double-click the icon.

Now here is the problem I'm observing:

If I modify step number 2 above and don't accept the WinSCP default session name, but choose another session name ("MySession" instead of "myusername@ftp.myftpsite.com"), the subsquently created hot-drop icon does not work. When I try to use the hot-drop icon, I get the message "Network Error", or "Host not Found". If I open WinSCP and choose to connect to the non-default named session, it works just fine. However, unless I let WinSCP name the session according the the default session naming convention, the hot-drop desktop icon does not work.

Is this a bug? Or, am I missing some critical configuration detail?

Regards, Jeff

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: Possible Bug with Stored Session Name and Shell Icon?

It does work for me.
Can you post a target (or command) of the shell icon created?
BTW, do you use INI file or registry for storing configuration?

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