How to Disable Confirm Box ?



How to Disable Confirm Box ?

I am using WinSCP v.4.0.6 Build 358. I:
-logged in using the SCP Protocol
-transfered files with no problems
-figured out how to use the open terminal to send a command to allow a file to run "chmod +x NAMEofFFILE"
-figured out how to use the open terminal to send a command to execute the file to run "./NAMEofFILE"

Now here is my problem, the file executes no problem, but it gives me a list of choices to continue.

Ex: Do you want to erase?
1-For Yes
2-For No

I can't enter the choice because WinSCP give me a Confirm Box that says:

Host has not answered for more than 15 seconds. Still waiting...

Warning: Aborting this operation will close connection

Is there a way to disable the confirm box so I can execute the program I need to? I been reading and learning, but just can't find the right term to answer my question. I finally broke down and decided to post. Appreciate any help.

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Re: How to Disable Confirm Box ?

Any clue for other search terms at least? Can't believe that there is no way to disable the box to allow you to manually enter a selected choice on the screen without this WinSCP taking over and freezing till the Confirm pop up box comes up and then you are still not able to send commands .....

Sorry, just getting frustrated ......I'll go smoke and check back later...

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martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: How to Disable Confirm Box ?

HeadAche wrote:

-figured out how to use the open terminal to send a command to allow a file to run "chmod +x NAMEofFFILE"
Easier is to use Properties dialog.
-figured out how to use the open terminal to send a command to execute the file to run "./NAMEofFILE"
Easier is to use predefined custom command Execute (File(s) > Custom Commands).

Is there a way to disable the confirm box so I can execute the program I need to?
No. WinSCP does not support executing commands that require user input. You would have to modify your command to accept the answer from command line argument. Such as "./NAMEofFILE /yes".

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Just for another option, if you can't modify ./NAMEofFILE for whatever reason, you can sometimes get away with answering the question via a pipe. For example:
echo y | ./NAMEofFILE

Or, if you have this program,
yes | ./NAMEofFILE

If you don't have a yes program, it just prints y-return-y-return-y-return forever, or if you invoke it as "yes n | whatever" it prints n-return-n-return-n-return... When you use |, it takes the output of the command before the pipe and gives it as input to the command after the pipe, hence why this sometimes works.

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Appreciate the help and this little program! Real Tired now and I'm going to crash. Hope you guys enjoy your day :)

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