Non-standard window behavior, gotten worse in 4.0.6



Non-standard window behavior, gotten worse in 4.0.6

I have two problems that are related to third party tools, but which no other program has so I think it's non-standard behavior.

1. I am using Microsoft TweakUI feature XMouse which automatically gives focus to the window where the mouse is on. Automatic focusing works for WinSCP window, but it also "auto raises" e.g. gets the top window level even if it's under some window. I don't have the "auto raise" option enabled in TweakUI Xmouse.

2. Before 4.0.6 when I used for example AutoHotkey to minimize the Window it minimized to a small window in the corner of the screen. I understood it should be fixed in 4.0.6, but actually it got worse. Now the window correctly minimizes in the taskbar, but there is no way to get it restored and I have to kill the process.

The tools that I've had this issue with:
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

The AutoHotkey script part that minimizes the active window with Win-Z is:
#z::WinMinimize, A

P.S. Thanks for the best SFTP client, keep up the great work! I've been a user since version 3.

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Oh great! And sorry about that. I was looking for tracked bugs for the minimizing behavior, but the Xmouse thing came to my mind while writing the report.. :oops:

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I have the same issue. It's really annoying since all that's needed is the smallest fragment of the window showing from behind everything else and it pops up immediately if my mouse happens to go across it. :(

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another request to fix this

It would be great if this bug could finally see some attention after all the time since it was reported. The XMouse behaviour is something X windows users have been accustomed to using for years and is a major usability issue with the current WinSCP build.

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Site Admin
martin avatar
Prague, Czechia

Re: another request to fix this

islisis wrote:

It would be great if this bug could finally see some attention after all the time since it was reported. The XMouse behaviour is something X windows users have been accustomed to using for years and is a major usability issue with the current WinSCP build.
I got considerable attention already. Without any results unfortunately.

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