Bug #454 not really solved?



Bug #454 not really solved?

I use WinSCP 4.2.3. on Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition Service Pack 2.
From an application I call a batchfile called WinSCP_send.cmd as follows:
Winscp_send hostname username password "/usr/sapio/BE2/c4/dtaus/" "D:\dir withblank\filename"
I need the double-quotes here, because the path\filename within the double-quotes is one command line parameter.

In the batchfile, I take the command line parameters and invoke WinSCP as follows:

WinSCP.com /command "option batch on" "option confirm off" "open %2%:%3%@%1%" "put %5% %6%" "exit" >> %RESPONSEFILE% 2>>&1
In the RESPONSEFILE I 'echo' the filename and see, that the filename is complete including the double-quotes.

Here, WinSCP takes D:\dir as the file and withblank\filename as an unknown command. This behavior does NOT change if I use additional double quotes around Parameter 5, like:

WinSCP.com /command "option batch on" "option confirm off" "open %2%:%3%@%1%" "put "%5%" "%6%"" "exit" >> %RESPONSEFILE% 2>>&1

or additional double double-quotes, like

WinSCP.com /command "option batch on" "option confirm off" "open %2%:%3%@%1%" "put ""%5%"" ""%6%""" "exit" >> %RESPONSEFILE% 2>>&1
It never works.
If I open a dos-box (cmd) and call WinSCP.com without using a batchfile, it works.

Am I doing wrong, or is bug 454 only partly fixed?

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