Issue activity log

2008-01-30 10:02 Created Support for rsync
Component General
Severity Enhancement
Priority Low

It would probably be possible with SCP protocol only.
2008-02-12 10:38 Comment BTW, SFTP protocol have all the functionality necessary for rsync-like synchronization. However support for the functionality is rare in SFTP servers. Particularly OpenSSH SFTP server does not support it.
2010-11-15 08:28 Comment
2018-10-12 14:23 –
2025-01-22 03:39
Votes 7×, ibuch, starquake, 4× vslee (Donor), barrioandres, dbrb2, 4× eretl (Donor), 4× i3vi3v (Donor), Mayhem, InteXX, Brickmasterhunt