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Issue 267 – Remote directory parameter of /synchronize and /keepuptodate is ignored

: General
: Unspecified
: Bug
: High
: 0
: 4.1.6
The reason is that WinSCP considers remote path with syntax like /xxx/xxx as an unknown switch, not as parameter.

Until 4.0.x WinSCP considered only /xxx parameters (one slash followed by letters) as switches, so it was possible at least to use paths with two slashes like /xxx/xxx. WinSCP 4.1.x considers any parameter starting with slash as a switch.

We should revert to 4.0.x behaviour.

However 4.1.x allows you to use switch // to denote that all following parameters are not switches. Hence command like below can be used as workaround:
winscp41x.exe /synchronize c:\localpath // /remotepath
Fixed (reverted to pre-4.1.x behavior).