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How do I configure session, transfer and/or any other settings for which there are no script commands?


Session Settings

For session settings, you can use -rawsettings switch of open command.

For example to open session with enabled HTTP proxy use following command:

open <session_url> -rawsettings ProxyMethod=3 ProxyHost=proxy ProxyPort=8080

See raw session settings syntax.

Transfer Settings

For transfer setting, you can pre-configure your preferred settings as default transfer settings. The script uses the default transfer settings as initial.

If you want to make your configuration portable, you can save it into an INI file and distribute the INI file with your script.

If the value of the option is not static you can generate the INI file before running the script.

You may want to set the INI file read-only, to prevent WinSCP writing to it, when exiting.


You can use INI file using following syntax: For example, to configure changing case of filenames to lowercase during transfer, use following INI file:

; File name case modification (1 = Upper case, 2 = Lower case, 4 = Lower case 8.3)
; Transfer resume/Transfer to temporary file names (0 = All files, 1 = Files above threshold, 2 = Disabled)


Other Settings

The same applies to most other settings, such as configuring reconnect interval:


Last modified: by martin