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SessionOptions Class

Defines information to allow an automatic connection and authentication of the session. Is used with Session.Open method.


public sealed class SessionOptions



Name Description
SessionOptions() Default constructor.


Name Description
SessionProtocols Protocol Protocol to use for the session. Possible values are SessionProtocols.Sftp, SessionProtocols.Scp and SessionProtocols.Ftp. Defaults to SessionProtocols.Sftp.
string HostName Name of the host to connect to. Mandatory property.
uint PortNumber Port number to connect to. Keep default 0 to use the default port for the protocol.
string UserName Username for authentication. Mandatory property.
string Password Password for authentication.
string HostKey Host key of the SSH server. Mandatory for SFTP/SCP protocol.


You need to fill in all properties required to connect and authenticate your session automatically.


You always need to fill in Protocol, HostName and UserName1.

In most cases you need to fill in Password. Exceptions are:

  • The server does not require password;
  • You use different authentication method than a password authentication, such as public key authetication (with passphrase-less private key or with use of Pageant) for SSH session.

For SSH (SFTP/SCP) session you need to fill in the HostKey to verify the expected server host key.

  1. Except for very rare occasions that the server does not require username.Back

Last modified: by martin