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2019-12-04 2019-12-16
5.16.3 Cleanup application data dialog shows only data that exist (martin) WinSCP-5.15.9-Portable (file://IAMHAMMACK/Users/allan.IAMHAMMACK/OneDrive/winscp/WinSCP-5.15.9-Portable) ( (hidden) (untrusted)
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//Cached host keys// contains a list of [[ssh_verifying_the_host_key|known SSH host keys]]. This option removes only keys stored in registry. If you use [[config|INI file]], check //Configuration INI file//. //Cached host keys// contains a list of [[ssh_verifying_the_host_key|known SSH host keys]]. This option removes only keys stored in registry. If you use [[config|INI file]], check //Configuration INI file//.
-//In the latest beta version,// this options clears other caches as well, including [[tls#certificate|accepted TLS certificates]], [[directory_cache|directory caches]] and suppressed [[ui_authenticate#authentication_banner|SSH banners]]. &beta+//In the latest beta vers''''Code Text''__//Underlined Text//**''Bold Text''[[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[[[other_page|External Link]][[other_page|External Link]]]]]]]]]]]]**__''ion,// this options clears other caches as well, including [[tls#certificate|accepted TLS certificates]], [[directory_cache|directory caches]] and suppressed [[ui_authenticate#authentication_banner|SSH banners]]. &beta
===== Configuration INI file ===== ===== Configuration INI file =====
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===== Temporary Folders ===== ===== Temporary Folders =====
-This option removes [[temp_folders|temporary folders]] created by WinSCP on your computer.+This option removes [[temp_folders|temporary folders]] created by WinSCP on your computer.[[[[other_page|External Link]]''Code Text'']]

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