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Checking for Application Updates

WinSCP can check for its updates. It can do it on your request or automatically in regular intervals.

To check for updates, WinSCP connects to WinSCP site. It sends its version and language. In addition to obtaining information about new version, it can get a message. This will be particularly used to warn users about security issues in advance, before a fix can be released.

If you are behind proxy or firewall, you will need to configure it in preferences first.

On Request Check

To manually request check for updates, use :

Automatic Check

You can enable WinSCP to automatically check for updates in regular intervals. You will have the first chance to enable it during installation. Later, you can configure it in preferences.

When the automatic check is enabled, it will start on background once the main window is opened. If WinSCP detects new version or gets a message it will indicate so using icon on Updates toolbar.

= External Notifications *=* If you cannot or do not want to use automatic check for application updates, yet you still want to be automatically notified about updates you have two more options:

Installing Updates

Learn how to upgrade WinSCP.

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