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Topic review


Id10T error

This turned out to be a silly human error. All good and thanks for the help.



Yes, that looks to be the cause. I see no reason why that is different for my user. We are both using the same shortcut. Even when using the WinSCP client. Is there something saved in her profile I can reset? I think when my user initially tried connecting may have entered the username in all lowercase. It feels like WinSCP is using some cached information.



Re: SFTP - correct log file for bad connection

The username is Ucis in the working session, but ucis in the non-working session. Usernames are case-sensitive in Linux systems.

SFTP - correct log file for bad connection

I'm sorry - that was my fault. Here is the log file with the failure to connect. What looks to be happening is a failure in authentication. The username (Ucis) for the target system is case sensitive. When attempting to use the shortcut, the username is being passed all-lower case. Even when trying to manually connect. Weird how that behaves that way for my user but not when I try it.


Re: SFTP Session shortcut behaves differently between users

There's no "Server refused our key" in either log.
Both sessions connect successfully using a key.

Btw, are you aware that there are different servers? vs.

SFTP Failed Connection

Here is the log file from the failed attempt to connect.

Thank you!


SFT Good connection

Here is the log file of a successful connection.

Re: SFTP Session shortcut behaves differently between users

Please attach a full session log files for both scenarios (using the latest version of WinSCP).

Though I would guess that the working instance uses a stored site on that machine. While on other machines, you refer to the "same" stored site, that does not exist there.

To generate the session log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

SFTP Session shortcut behaves differently between users

I used WinSCP to create an sftp session to a server and saved a shortcut for that session. My account that is a server admin connects to the session in the expected manner. A connection is established with the server using the appropriate account. For the sake of this post, the account name is "User." The account is case sensitive. When I try to connect, all I am prompted to do is enter a password. After entering the password I successfully connect. When I have another person who needs to use the shortcut try, the behavior is different. Instead of prompting for the password, this user is prompted to enter a user name and then prompted to enter a password. Even after entering the correct user name and password the connection fails. This is the contents of the failing connection's dialog box:

Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "User".
Server refused our key.

It does not appear to be a permissions issue on the shortcut itself. I've tried this from 2 different servers and getting the same results. Please help... I'd really like to get this working for this person..
