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Re: is there anyway to get a non free licensed copy

If you need to "buy" WinSCP, you can buy it from Microsoft Store:

Though, I really do not understand this. Isn't it rather that you need to have support contract (which comes with the payment and the license)?

Re: is there anyway to get a non free licensed copy

Because with license and payments come more responsibilities and bureaucracy. And that's something I want to avoid. I'm not even able to assess the risks to determine the price.

Re: is there anyway to get a non free licensed copy

There's no misunderstanding, in the United states heathcare companies can not use freeware. Why you will not charge for a license is beyond me. Is there a similar product like this for purchase?

Re: is there anyway to get a non free licensed copy

Sorry, we do not do that. What are those reasons? This looks like some misunderstanding.

is there anyway to get a non free licensed copy

My company can't use freeware for compliance reasons. Is there anyway to get a non free copy with a license agreement. The software works fine and has been validated.