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Re: special char in user name and pwd

@mvidhyaa: If your question is about scripting, just use something like this:
open s -password=%#+@:

special char in user name and pwd

Is it possible to use /username /password to pass the username and password with special character? Are there any command line examples on how to pass the host name and pass with /password

Re: Login command-Line user@domain:password@host Error

The problem is that in the password I have a special character too.
I have replaced it and it works fine now.

Thank you very much for the help.

Re: Login command-Line user@domain:password@host Error

Were the problem only the @domain, the ftp://user%40domain:password@domain would work. If it does not, there must be an additional problem. Are you able to login anyhow? In WinSCP GUI? In any other FTP client?

Re: Login command-Line user@domain:password@host Error

I run a Bat file that in other cases has worked correctly for me with the following instruction:
CALL "C:\WinSCP\WinSCP.COM" /script="script.txt"

The content of the Script.txt file is:
open ftp://user@domain:password@domain
put "items.xml" Upload /

I have tried substituting the first line of the script in the following ways:


but none of them work correctly for me. The problem is that the user contains @domain and I can't login.


Re: Login command-Line user@domain:password@host Error

Do you really have all the spaces in the URL? They should not be there.

Where are you exactly executing WinSCP from and how? Show us a complete example.

Login command-Line user@domain:password@host Error

User: user@domain
Password: password
Host: domain
I'm trying to open ftp: // user @ domain: password @ domain but it doesn't work. I am trying ftp: // user% 40domain: password @ domain and ftp: // user %% 40domain: password @ domain but it doesn't work either.
Can you help me?
Thank you very much