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Re: How can I stay connected to server in multiple tabs, not in the active/visible one only?

GREAT! – I've never seen this – was so busy (waiting for the sessions to connect 😂🤣😄😆) –
So I'll check if I can still vote.

Thank you!! Great idea!
Or also parallel login alternatively or complementary?

Re: How can I stay connected to server in multiple tabs, not in the active/visible one only?

Well, now I am producing misunderstandings :) – sorry
In order to understand what I mean or what I need:

Usually I got ~1 – 3 terminals using KITTY which is a variant of PuTTY that can easily be reactivated with one click – and since I have only 1–3 terminals open I can deal with that very fast if needed, where as with WinSCP (which I love, except for this special "problem")

Teconnect via WinSCP takes ~double as much time as with KiTTY (subjectively)
and there I got 8 windows open currently.

PLUS, while I can reconnect the KiTTY terminals in parallel, independently from each each it is like only 3 fast clicks and it's done – until I made the 3rd click the first terminal is already connected.

While with WinSCP one process blocks me from connecting in the other windows, I just realize this is the actually problem, where I am running out of patience, reactivating 5–8 connections one after the other waiting till one is finished etc.etc. – and this several times/day.

KiTTY reconnect is double speed and in parallel.
While I was wishing that such a great software like WinSCP might be able to reconnect automatically in the background and/or in parallel and/or in the background.

Point: before I wrote here I was looking out for other softwares due to this bottleneck, but then a friend reminded me I could ask here in the forum, maybe I overlook/ed something.

Thanx for your time!

Re: How can I stay connected to server in multiple tabs, not in the active/visible one only?

Are you saying that PuTTY connection survives the network change?

Re: How can I stay connected to server in multiple tabs, not in the active/visible one only?

Hello again, and thanx for the reply.
I just realized that the actual problem occurs when my internet gets disconnected or when I change between VPN and no-VPN, etc. etc. – then there's seems to be no automatic reconnect in the background. While as you correctly mention it keep the active connection alive with the setting/s you suggested. This works fine, while I wont change networks, which I do many times/day for many reasons :D

Is there a way to reconnect automatically sessions in the background (regularly I got up to 7 tabs open) that have been disconnected due to change of network? Maybe this option already exists?
This manual reconnecting is really a pain,...
Thanx for your answer!! :)

Re: How can I stay connected to server in multiple tabs, not in the active/visible one only?

Hi thanx for your answer:

yes, I had found this already,
and this is/was my current setting:

Re: How can I stay connected to server in multiple tabs, not in the active/visible one only?

It is strange that PuTTY connection stays alive, while WinSCP connection does not. Haven't you enabled keepalives in PuTTY, but not in WinSCP?

How can I stay connected to server in multiple tabs, not in the active/visible one only?

I need to work with many different folders in different folder structures.
and I need to be able to switch between them fast, without reconnecting each time the connection gets lost in the background in tabs that are not in the foreground.

I managed to change the config so that at least the active tab stays connected,
but I want/or need to stay connected longer (at least 4–8hrs)
even if I don't actively use that tab/connection, that isn't selected.
Also I don't want to start a second and third WinSCP instance, of course.

I want to prevent waiting for this connection process every time I come back to my "desk":

And then this:

I also tried to find out if I should change something server side.
I have no problem staying connected with PuTTY, btw. I use it all the time.
Yet I want to use the WinSCP software for certain operations.

Who can help? :D
Thanx a lot!