Slow upload speed
You're right, I missed that. I switched my bat file over to use FTPS and it is just a fast (or slow) as using the UI.
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set /P password=Enter website pwd or Enter to quit:
if %password% == "" exit
echo Starting WinSCP
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /log=my.log /ini=nul /command "open ftp://xxx:"%password%"" ^
"put C:\Users\ /public_html/" ^
echo WinSCP finished
WinSCP 5.10 beta seems to improve the situation quite a bit, but my transfer speeds still oscillate between 10 KB/s and 280 KB/s for small files. For JPG files I get now between 100 KB/s and 700 KB/s, and I think that's really a nice improvement. (For large files, I get about 5 MB/s.)
What bothers me, is that in the queue I still always see only 1 file being transferred at the same time, even though in the settings I configured the maximum at 9 files at a time. Am I doing something wrong?
Ok. I was reading here in the website and I found an article about CPU and encryption (disable/enable), that should speed up. Is that an option?
open s -hostkey=*
option confirm off
option transfer binary
put -resumesupport=off test.test