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I cannot see such option. The only place I found was Authentication which uses .ppk, but I use OpenSSH (`ssh-keygen`). Please find screenshot bellow.

Ok, so was the problem resolved by configuring WinSCP to also use the keys?

Your ssh console screenshot does not tell us how you authenticate.

It is described in the link I provided in the question:

So first of all, the SSH on the remote phone has been setup in the following way:

In short, it is using ssh-keygen keys.

Re: No supported authentication methods available

Your ssh console screenshot does not tell us how you authenticate.
Are you using key authentication?
If you are, then need to specify your key in WinSCP too:
If you are not using a key, then what? Post ssh -vvv ... output (as a text, not as a screenshot).

No supported authentication methods available

Hi everyone,

I am struggling with connecting to my phone using WinSCP.

So first of all, the SSH on the remote phone has been setup in the following way:

if I use command line the following command connects me to the phone successfully:

but with WinSCP it is not working as expected :-(

Could please someone tell me what is not supported and why WinSCP is not working as expected?