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Topic review


Calculate before connecting; or disable calculation

We're running into an issue where we're using a PowerShell script to 'synchronize directories'.

The problem is that WinSCP connects to the SFTP server 1st, then calculates the local file/folder sizes.

What appears to be happening in our case, is that this local calculation can take longer than 5 minutes (it's a lot of files/folders). This delay causes the TCP connection on the Azure firewall to drop and the sFTP connection to eventually fail once the calculation has finished. This 5 minute Azure timeout is a default setting than Microsoft controls, not us.

Suggestion.. two options:

  1. Calculate the local file/folder sizes BEFORE you establish an sFTP connection and therefore avoid any chance of an idle timeout.
  2. Give us the option to disable the size checking
  3. Update WinSCP to send some sort of keepalive packets while the calc process in underway