Possible to Skip size calculating for SynchronizeDirectories
I have a PowerShell script that it taking a long time to calculate the size of a lot of file/folders. In waiting for the calculation to happen, my TCP connection times out. Below is a sample of when I was able to get it to work, however, when the calculation takes over 5 minutes.. it doesn't work:
WinSCP isn't timing out. I believe the timeout is happening at the firewall level, because WinSCP is not sending any data for 5 minutes, which I cannot control.
Is it possible to instruct WinSCP to not bother calculating the size of the files/folders?
2024-08-26 12:31:03.035 Script: Synchronizing...
2024-08-26 12:35:58.076 Size of 7 local files/folders calculated as 1190960271608
Is it possible to instruct WinSCP to not bother calculating the size of the files/folders?