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Topic review


Revive from the dead :)))

I use version 6.3.6 and remember I had "Type" column just after installing WinSCP. But some time passed and it's gone. I didn't change any settings.

I also the one who needs type-sorting feature because sometimes I just need to make a quick glance to find only files of certain types on remote panel.

Re: I've been looking for this too

  1. You can sort files by extension
  2. You can select files by extension
  3. You can skip files by extension from upload/download

I've been looking for this too

I've been looking for a remote file Type column as well. It would come in very handy sometimes. For instance, if I compile Java code on my local Windows machine and upload to a Linux server, I want to upload only .class files, not .java files. This is easily done, because I can order by file Type locally. But if I upload a few directories at once, I might want to delete the remote .java source files because they never get updated when I upload only .class files. If I could sort the remote files by Type, I could easily delete the files I don't want, or easily download only the files I want. Thanks.

Re: Norton commander style view

Type column is absent by purpose. IMHO this has no meaning for remote files. But as several people demand this for some reason, I consider adding it. BTW, why do you need it?

Norton commander style view Norton commander style view

... in version v3.7.4 (Build 271)

Forgot to mention, this bug is found in:
v3.7.4 (Build 271)

Missing "type" column in remote panel

Missing Type column in remote panel

  1. Right click in remote panel
  2. Choose "Show Columns"

Expected: Type should be in the submenu as it is for the local panel
Problem: Type is missing from submenu.