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Topic review


It should have no impact.

Hi Martin,
Thank you for your quick response.
I will be using WinSCP to send file from production servers to remote server through scriot automatically so i need to make sure that there will be no issue later.

Could you please advise if any impact of this message since file successfully copied to remote server with same timestamp and if yes then how to test and resolve this issue.

Information related to winscp and server:
WinSCP Version 6.3.5 (Build 14991 2024-09-10) (OS 10.0.14393 – Windows Server 2016 Datacenter)

Ramesh Kumar

We are getting message in logs: we believe the server has signed timestamps bug

Hi Admin,

We are using WinSCP to transfer the file created in last 2 mins to remote server.
Files are successfully transferred to remote server.
In logs I am getting message:
we believe the server has signed timestamps bug.

Could you please advise asap.
Ramesh Kumar