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thehitman wrote:

I'm having the same problem transferring to an SFTP and I tried switching the transferring mode to ASCII and it still doesn't work. I have to go in and convert it with dos2unix.

Can you post a log file?

I'm having the same problem transferring to an SFTP and I tried switching the transferring mode to ASCII and it still doesn't work. I have to go in and convert it with dos2unix.

Re: Automatic file conversion dos 2 unix

Switch to ascii transfer mode with command option transfer ascii.

Automatic file conversion dos 2 unix


During a copy from windows to Linux, i need to convert a lots of files in subdirectorys from dos 2 unix.
The copy is an done by script. I know that Linux have a command dos2unix, but the problem is that i have to run it on each file.

Is it possible to make this conversion with Winscp on the same script?
