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Re: Cannot authenticate using script?

Dear Martin,
Thanks for responding. I don't know why I cannot login either using a password, or using a private key. However making a stored session and then using the name of the session in the script works.
I have a few more questions, but I think I would post a separate threads on those topics. Thanks for your site and taking the time to answer our questions.

Re: Cannot authenticate using script?

Edit 2021: Use -privatekey switch of the open command:

If you login using private key, you have these options:
1) Setup stored session with associated key and use the name of the stored session as parameter of open command.
2) Use /privatekey command line option to specify default private key.
3) Use pageant.

Cannot authenticate using script?

I have used the GUI version of WinSCP to transfer files from my home to my university Linux account since about a year. I am now getting into scripting, and I cannot figure out how to get this to work. I have gone through the documentation on scripting – and the FAQ – but still I think that I might be doing something obviously wrong.

Using the WinSCP GUI I can log in to my university account both using the keyboard and using a key. I now tried the following script: (called in my My Documents) My username is masca
option batch on
option confirm off
cd /home/home_dir

I started the cmd prompt on Win XP and got into the My Documents and then entered the following command:
"C:\Program Files\WinSCP3\WinSCP3.exe" /console /

I get a black window that opens up with the following text
batch        on

confirm      off
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "maca".
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Access denied.
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Authentication failed.
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "maca".
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Access denied.
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.

Unable to authenticate
No session.

Any ideas on what I need to do next. Thanks to all who take their time to help me.