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Re: Connection Error (I did read the FAQ)

DaYon wrote:

I am not very computer literate, I have installed and changed the firewall settings toallow the program. It is SFTP and I have not been able to connect. This is the software reccomended by the server provider....any help would be appreciated.

Please read documentation for explanation of common error messages when connecting.

Please read FAQ.

You may also want check iPhone sites. I have listed some links here

iphone unlocking

I am currently trying to unlock my new iphone to use it with any GSM carrier. I found a step by step tutorial that explains how to do this, and it involves using WinSCP to acces the phones system,
( )

I followed the instructions and I get this error :

"Network error : connection timed out "

I disabled the windows firewall and even added WinSCP to the exception list but I still get an error. What do I have to do to fix this??

Thanks ! :)

Re: Connection Error (I did read the FAQ)

What error do you get?

Connection Error (I did read the FAQ)

I am not very computer literate, I have installed and changed the firewall settings toallow the program. It is SFTP and I have not been able to connect. This is the software reccomended by the server provider....any help would be appreciated.