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Re: atomic remote operations - why timeout necessary?

bronco wrote:

yeah, I exactly meant that prompt "server did not responses for...". Any chance to
change that timeout or some other "workaround"?

Please read documentation.

The progress bar subject is understood, but as if you know that remote copy and
move functions are treated as atomic operations, why is there any kind of timeout

The fact it is atomic does not mean it cannot go wrong (endless).

atomic remote operations - why timeout necessary?


yeah, I exactly meant that prompt "server did not responses for...". Any chance to
change that timeout or some other "workaround"?
The progress bar subject is understood, but as if you know that remote copy and
move functions are treated as atomic operations, why is there any kind of timeout
My operators here get a little bit nervous when any kind of error message comes up... ;-)

Thanks is advance!

Re: Bug: program timeout when moving/copying large remote files

Do you mean that the prompt "server did not responses for ... seconds" appear? It should disappear once the operation finishes (it may simply last too long).

For the progress bar: duplicating/moving remote files within remote file system is atomic operation from WinSCP point of view. Hence it cannot show progress. The bar make any sense, only if you work with multiple files.

Bug: program timeout when moving/copying large remote files

Hi there,

Client: WinSCP 4.0.6, Win XP Prof., Explorer-like interface,
SFTP (with or without SCP fallback)
Server: Linux, vsftpd

when moving or copying files via drag and drop on the remote site within the same
file system and a file size of something above 1 gigabyte or so, the progress bar
doesn't move (stays at 0%) and the connection timeout occurs after some time, but
the files get moved/copied completely.

Bug or configuration problem?