Re: transfer from windows to windows
using SCPtool we can easily transfer files from Unix to windows, but can we use it to transfer files from windows to windows?
You need SSH server on the other side. This guide shows you how.
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using SCPtool we can easily transfer files from Unix to windows, but can we use it to transfer files from windows to windows?
Also... as noted in the other forum thread, try using scp instead of sftp. When I transfer to/from *nix hosts, scp is much faster, even though there's essentially no speed difference between scp and sftp for me between Windows hosts.
Disabling compression is probably advisable in your situation, as the time to compress and send the data is likely longer than the time to just send it uncompressed (if you really have a Gbit path through your network... but that doesn't jive with the 5.5Mb/s limitation you alluded to).