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I think I have a problem connecting to my SSH server, so I will have to find out that first. Probably that's where the problem is.

I will keep the thread updated.


Re: Host does not exist - cannot find the reason for this error.

So this works:
winscp sftp:@myserver

and this not?
winscp sftp://suprd_ho@myserver

Maybe I am doing something wrong with the passphraze files, so I will check again during the day.

It cannot be anything with passphrase as you do not even establish connection to the host.

No Prikryl,
unfortunately still the same:

C:\home\sftp> /console script=sftp_script.txt sftp://suprd_ho@myserver

Searching for host...

Host does not exist

Maybe I am doing something wrong with the passphraze files, so I will check again during the day.
Thanks for the hint.


Re: Host does not exist - cannot find the reason for this error.

It is strange.
What if you try:
c:\home\sftp>winscp sftp://suprd_ho@myserver

Host does not exist - cannot find the reason for this error.

I am very familiar with sftp on my UNIX boxes. I have a fully working environment, so an SSH daemon running. I can connect to my remote server from all my UNIX boxes.
I went through all the documents, FAQ's, searched google and I still have this problem.

I have a Windows PC, I can connect manually using the syntax (my server name is "myserver"):
c:\home\sftp>winscp sftp:@myserver

Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
'myserver' session username: suprd_ho
'myserver' session password:
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] myserver

No problem at all, I can connect and send files.
I tried to run a batch: /console script=test.txt mylogin@myserver sftp /console script=test.txt suprd_ho@myserver

I am not running this from the scheduler, just the same command prompt (Windows XP) and the same windows session.
I tried the fully qualified server name and IP address and I cannot connect, here is my attempt:

c:\home\sftp> /console script=test.txt suprd_ho@myserver

Searching for host...

Host does not exist

I also created the public/private key and transferred it to my remote server. Still the same.

This is my batch:
# Automatically answer all prompts negatively not to stall

# the script on errors
option batch on
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off

# Connect using a password
# open

# Change remote directory
cd /tmp

# Force binary mode transfer
# option transfer binary

put text.txt

# Disconnect

# Exit WinSCP

What am I doing wrong?


PS. This WinSCP is really nice, and very good documentation, I must admit, great job done :)