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Re: i need some Winscp help ...

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Bump ... still looking for some kind of help .. anything would be nice

i need some Winscp help ...

Hey i have used Winscp quite a bit... but every time i have used it its been from a guide or some 1 that basically is telling me what to do ....

there are 2 things i would like 2 do with winscp...

1 - share files from computer A to computer B ( both computers are in the same house same router ) i'm assuming this would be very simple to do ( i have done this with my iphone ) i alrdy know that id use the computers Ip address, i just wondering what would the login and password be ( on my iphone it was root/alpine )

2 - file share from Computer A to Computer 1 ( second computer is not in same house not on same router ) is there any way i can still acess this computer and share the files? or should i be looking for another program to do this?