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helpmehack wrote:

I am having the same exact problem. I type in the IP address that is listed in my WiFi page on my iphone, and use "root" and "alpine" and no matter how many times I try, i get this message: "Network Error: connection timed out"
Please help me understand what I am doing wrong here.

Please read FAQ. If that does not help, come back.

I am having the same exact problem. I type in the IP address that is listed in my WiFi page on my iphone, and use "root" and "alpine" and no matter how many times I try, i get this message: "Network Error: connection timed out"
Please help me understand what I am doing wrong here.

Re: Won't start connecting.

Are you able to connect with any other SSH client?

Won't start connecting.

The first time I ran winscp, I did the login with the right name and password. the new window would pop-up and tell me it's connecting. It didn't work after the first few time, I guess I had the wrong IP address. It kept saying timed out after 15 seconds. I have the correct IP address now, but now when I hit login, it brings up the screen where it said connecting it stays completely white, nothing happens. After a little bit it tells me "Network Error: Connection timed out" but nothing happened.

I tried reinstalling but the same thing happens everytime