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Topic review


Re: Slow work of inner text reader

This issue has been added to tracker.

Re: Slow work of inner text reader

Thank you very much. Maybe also other people would be interested in this improvement.

Re: Slow work of inner text reader

OK. I'll send you a debug version soon.

Re: Slow work of inner text reader

martin wrote:

How large is your file?

It has a trouble even with very small files starting at 50Kb.
Files more than 300Kb it is simple impossible to open on FTP by this editor. :(

Re: Slow work of inner text reader

How large is your file?

Slow work of inner text reader

It seems the inner text reader works very slow while it reads text file directly from FTP server. It takes much time while it opens this text file after downloading it to local directory.
Others text viewers work much more faster.
Is it possible to improve it, please?