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Re: "/Command" not working

vikas21 wrote:

Now when this command is working, I am able to get the file, but when the same command is repeated then it doesn't overwrite the existing file already present.
Is there any "force" parameter that we can specifiy ? when "GET" is used.

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

Re: "/Command" not working

Now when this command is working, I am able to get the file, but when the same command is repeated then it doesn't overwrite the existing file already present.
Is there any "force" parameter that we can specifiy ? when "GET" is used.

Re: "/Command" not working

Thanks , it worked.

Re: "/Command" not working

/command cannot be combined with ftp://...
See documentation.

winscp.exe /command "open ftp://myftpserver:pwd@ftpserver" "get 11052008.txt"

"/Command" not working

The following command is not working.
winscp.exe ftp://myftpserver:pwd@ftpserver /command "get 11052008.txt" "exit"

It is doing nothing. Am I doing something wrong above.
My requirement is to use the WINSCP programatically. We want to copy a file from the ftp location to our machine.
Is there any way to do it?
I don't want to use the graphical or the command prompt option.
