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Re: file transfer between 2 laptops

hapetter wrote:

1. So I need a file server in addition to WinSCP right?


Lets say I have 2 windows PC's A and B.

2. I like to send a file from A to B. On whitch PC must I have WinSCP and HSS server?

3. What if file transfer is both ways?

You need to have a server on the other machine than the one you are sitting next to. No matter what the direction is.

4. Lets say I want to reed an XML file on both computers. Any of the computers can update the XML file. Can I synchronize this files due to an update on any of the files? Can this be done on an time interval as well?

Both is possible. For update on change, see keepuptodate command.

file transfer between 2 laptops


1. So I need a file server in addition to WinSCP right?

Lets say I have 2 windows PC's A and B.

2. I like to send a file from A to B. On whitch PC must I have WinSCP and HSS server?
3. What if file transfer is both ways?

4. Lets say I want to reed an XML file on both computers. Any of the computers can update the XML file. Can I synchronize this files due to an update on any of the files? Can this be done on an time interval as well? Is it better to send updated file with an time interval?

Best Regards
Hans Pettersson

Re: file transfer between 2 laptops

hapetter wrote:

I like to know if I can use WinSCP to transfer files from 1 laptop to another over internet?

Please read FAQ. If that does not help, come back.

2. Can file be sent automatically be a time interval?
3. What is lowest time interval? (Only 1 small XML file)

Another FAQ.

file transfer between 2 laptops

Im new to WinSCP!

I like to know if I can use WinSCP to transfer files from 1 laptop to another over internet?
If so,
1. do I need WinSCP on both computers?
2. Can file be sent automatically be a time interval?
3. What is lowest time interval? (Only 1 small XML file)


Best Regards
Hans Pettersson