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thanks prikryl for sharing useful information.

Re: It just won't connect...>/

All I know about this, is in the FAQ.
Underclass Hero

It just won't connect...>/

I have literally tried connecting for four hours now and...nothing.

So I open WinSCP, put in my IP, root, alpine and when i click login a white box comes up and then a minute later or so it says "network connection timed out" and it does this every single time.

I hear your supposed to download BSB subsystem however installer is the only place people have gotten it from and installer has been discontinued, do I need this BSB subsystem?

Well in hoping it would work I downloaded Iphone Tunnel Suite 2.7 and tried to connect via usb cable, however when I do I get this error: "Network error: software caused connection abort"

Yes, openSSH is on, my itouch is connected and it can't be a firewall issue because I added openSSH to my exceptions list then I even tried turning the firewall off... so does anyone know what I could be doing wrong? Thanks so much