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Topic review


Re: Option Exclude command not working.

Only the last exclude mask applies. You need to put multiple masks into single line, separating them by semicolon. See documentation.

Option Exclude command not working.

I have the following script:

option batch continue

option confirm off
option synchdelete on

option exclude "D:\Share\Students\*"
option exclude "G:\Business\McMahon\2009 YearTech\Digital Photos\*"
option exclude "G:\Business\McMahon\2009 YearTech\New Pictures\*"
option exclude "G:\Business\Sullivan\Yearbook2010\Pictures\*"
option exclude "G:\RECYCLER\*"
option exclude "G:\System Volume Information\*"

synchronize remote G:\ HighSchool/StudentData


With this script WinSCP is transferring stuff that I have excluded. I added this line recently to filter out some pictures which are being backed up differently.

option exclude "G:\Business\Sullivan\Yearbook2010\Pictures\*"

It is ignoring this line. I removed the other synchronize statements so that I can figure out why it is transferring stuff that I don't want transferred.
