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Re: Can I find out how full the remote disk is using winscp?

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

Re: Can I find out how full the remote disk is using winscp? wrote:

I keep loading pictures to my server. Its a sun. Is there something like Windows explorer where I can seect properties and find out how full the disk is???

yes if you go to propertires and hit calculate and try to use NC format

Jim wrote:

You can use the console button to run a command like `df -kP` that prints out the disk space usage.... :)

Ok, yes. However it should be noted that it works only with SCP protocol and on unix servers.

Erm.. Yes there is...
You can use the console button to run a command like `df -kP` that prints out the disk space usage.... :)

Re: Can I find out how full the remote disk is using winscp?

No it is not possible.

Can I find out how full the remote disk is using winscp?

I keep loading pictures to my server. Its a sun. Is there something like Windows explorer where I can seect properties and find out how full the disk is???