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Re:Re: Regarding the free space in target machine!

gopikrishnakomanduri wrote:

Thanks for the response. I ahve gone through the documentation. But the thing is I need to check for the space through script. does winscp has any such command?

No. Also support for checking free space it that rare among SFTP servers that it is hardly useful implementing it on a client side.

Re:Re: Regarding the free space in target machine!

Thanks for the response. I ahve gone through the documentation. But the thing is I need to check for the space through script. does winscp has any such command?

One more query is , consider that my remote disk has 10GB space , but I am trying to transfer 11GB file . So ideally winscp fails to transfer once the disk if full. Now will that copied data be removed or will the data whatever that is copied remains like that ?


Re: Regarding the free space in target machine!

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

Regarding the free space in target machine!

I am using winscp to do file transfer from my windows m/c to other unix m/c. Is there any way to check the free space available on that unix m/c before transfering the file or , if the transfer fails due to space contrains , can we be able to delete the created file till that moment?

I mean does , winscp support this feature ? I am using winscp.exe version .
