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Re: read variable from called remote script and use in winscp sc

Holly Glaser wrote:

Is there a way to deliver the new directory path to winscp and use it as the remote directory to which local files are loaded?

This request is being tracked already.

create a string in winscp using month year ex.(base string + MMYYYY)and using that as the remote directory


Please read documentation for hint.
Holly Glaser

read variable from called remote script and use in winscp sc

I have a script that
1. Calls a remote python program that makes a new folder structure named by month and year.
2. Loads local files into the new directory.

Is there a way to deliver the new directory path to winscp and use it as the remote directory to which local files are loaded?

create a string in winscp using month year ex.(base string + MMYYYY)and using that as the remote directory
an elegant way that eludes me

This is the last bit of the puzzle and TIA for your time
Holly :)