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Re: Where is the session filed stored as default?


I think your session information is stored in your registry. One easy way to do is convert the session information into WinSCP.ini and copy the WinSCP to your new computer.
You first go to Preferences section, and you will see other general options: Preferences. Click on the 'Preferences' button, and go to Storage section. Then change configuration storge from "Windows registry" to "INI file" and save the settings. You will be able to find the settings stored in your \Program files\WinSCP\WinSCP.ini

In your new computer, do the same to change your configuration storage setting, then overwriting the WinSCP.ini with your data. And now you should have all settings copied over.

Re: Where is the session filed stored as default?

Please read FAQ. If that does not help, come back.

Where is the session filed stored as default?

I have a session file created on one of my desktops and I want to copy it to my new desktop. Where is it located by default so I can copy it?