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Re: Getting files from folder whose name is current date

Stev1eF wrote:


I am writing a batch script that gets files from a remote directory whose name reflects the current date. i.e. The directory of the 14th April 2011 will be names '20110414', this directory is also a subdirectory of the root directory.

How can I write a batch script that will recognise the current date and use this to specify the remote directory?

I am very new to this and appreciate all help given.


Just corrected some terrible spelling mistakes. :)

Gedtting files from folder whose nae is current date


I am writing a batch script that gets files from a remote directory whose name reflects the current date. i.e. The directory of the 14th April 2011 will be names '20110414', this directory is also a subdirectory of the root directory.

How can I write a batch script that will recognise the current date and use this to specify the remote directory?

I am very new to this and appreciate all help given.
