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Topic review


WinSCP and router

Dear Prikryl,

I have solved the problem setting

null packets 180 (seconds).

Tank you very much

router and WinSCP

Dear friends,
WinSCP works very well for transferring my files.
Some days ago I had to install a WI-FI router for personal reasons.
This router disconnects automatically puTTY and WinSCP after 10 minutes of inactivity.
I have been able to avoid this inconvenience in puTTy with
keepalive 300 (seconds).
I would like to do the same in WinSCP.
What shall I do?

I am using the version 4.1.7 (compilation 413) with Windows XP.
I know that it is quite obsolete, but it is very good for my work, apart from this inconvenience.
